I am part of a family of six who followed God's call to live on a ship, the Africa Mercy, in order to bring hope and healing to the poor of West Africa. Living here has shaped my character and strengthened my relationship with the LORD. Although my life journey has included excitement, adventure, frustration, monotony, joy, heartache, craziness,mercy, fun, pain, hope, and many other highs and lows, God has always come through for me in the little things and the big things. As I continue serving Jesus I invite you to join me, support me in prayer, and catch up on what is happening in my life from time to time.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More Adventures

On Sunday my cousins got a pet piglet named Stella! A neighbor gave her to us because her husband did not want her to keep the pig. Stella is really cute and good to cuddle with. Contrary to popular beliefs about pigs, she is not smelly or dirty. She likes to eat fruit and cheerios. She does not like to be carried; if you pick her up she squeals very loudly. She is about the size of a large cat right now, but she will grow!

Stella (sorry for the blur, she wouldn't hold still)

Today my cousin and I went ice blocking with a church youth group. This means that we sat on blocks of ice and slid down a grassy hill. We did this in gasworks park in Seattle, and it was a lot of fun! Afterward, we went to see the Fremont Troll and then ate fast food.

Gasworks Park

The view of the Space Needle from the park

Teens getting their ice ready to slide

My cousin Jessica sliding on her ice block

Me about to slide down the hill

Me next to the Fremont Troll

The Fremont Troll

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